Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Yoga for beautiful and healthy skin



Breathing right is the beginning on the path to healthy skin. Kapalbharti pranayama is known to be the most suited for this purpose. Actress Shilpa Shetty has been advocating Kapalbharti and you can easily learn how to do this. 15 minutes every day should be enough you keep your skin glowing and to keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay.

 Tadasana or mountain pose:

Another breathing related pose that lets you focus on deep, rhythmic breathing — an essential element of healthy skin.Stand straight with your feet flat and heels a little distance and base of big toes touching. Now, raise both hands and join them in a Namaste in front of your chest. Extend the shoulder blades, bend towards the back and then release slowly. Keep your head straight in line with the middle of the pelvis and stay in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Concentrate on your breathing through the entire duration of the asana.


Forward-bending poses such as this one make blood flow into the face faster, bringing with it oxygen and other helpful nutrients that fight free radicals, encourage skin cell renewal, and give your face a rosy glow.Stand straight with your feet closed and arms raised overhead. Now, bend forward from the pelvis and try to touch the ground while keeping your legs straight. Keep your eyes closed and let your head hang freely. Try the stay in the forward-bending position for 1 minute and then gradually come back to the standing posture

Bharadvaja's twist:

Twisting positions such as this one are great for improving digestion, which ensures good excretion of toxins out of the body thus improving the Rasa (tissue) visible as healthy glowing skin.Sit on the floor with your legs stretched in front. Shift onto your right buttock, bend your knees and tuck your legs to the left. Now twist your torso to the right, put your right hand on the floor for support and keep your left hand under your right knee. Stay in this posture for 1 minute and then repeat the twist on the opposite side


Challenging poses like this one make the heart beat faster, increasing the circulation of blood flow throughout the body and prompting the skin to sweat out impurities.


Lie on the floor and tuck in your hands under your hips. Now, lift your body off the floor so that it forms an arch form he head to the hips. Stay in this pose for 1 minute and return to the starting position. It is also called the fish pose that promotes healthy skin by improving the functions of the thyroid, pineal, and pituitary glands and normalizes the hormones. This asana gives a good stretch to the muscles of the face and throat which makes it one of the beneficial exercises to get rid of a double chin.

  • Breathe slow and deep while doing yoga
  • These are easy yoga asana and stretch to that limit which your body allows
  • Do these poses every day
  • Drink Water – Begin your day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice and honey. It helps to detoxify the system and keeps your skin healthy and clean.
  • Eat Fresh Produce – Stay away from foods that come in packets or boxes. Include more of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.
  • Take Rest – Out body needs 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep every day in order to rejuvenate and restore the daily wear and tear
  • Use Natural Stuff on Skin – Try to avoid chemical-laden skin products, cosmetics, creams, and cosmetics as much as possible. Use ayurvedic products and opt for natural remedies instead.
  • Reduce Stress – Smile a lot and try to stay happy and enjoy the things you do in order to keep your mind stress-free. The happiness that is reflected in your smile is the best make-up for your face.
So, always embrace yourself as you are and also maintain yourselves. Because you when you beautiful from in you are beautiful from the out.

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